
The Elderlies of India

  ‘The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows about the exceptions.’     So, what do you know about elderlies? I am pretty sure you call them old people or buddhe log, in Hindi. Many of you may even have grandparents. But, do we realize how much they are taken for granted? Of course, we all love our grandparents, but you have to admit that we do not give enough importance to their wisdom. Rather, we take it as nonsense and do what we want.  We do not realize their prudence and condition until we are of the same age. We realize their resilience much later and think, being old is hard! I also think that listening to our grandparents’ stories, the old classics have become something that we think listening to makes us appear childish and we think, I’d rather watch stories on Youtube. But, we also regret this when we no longer have them. Yes, they are old fashioned and some are too much immersed in rituals and puja of god, but we should understand that they...

World peace: A goal with utmost importance

‘World peace.’ Don’t you hear this phrase in every government official’s or a famous person’s speech? I’m pretty sure you do. Since ancient times there’s been a selfish feeling in man’s soul, in fact when Romulus and Remus made Rome long ago, Romulus killed Remus, the brother he loved, for the throne without any hesitation. Many other such incidents which represented chaos and no mercy in man. And then, they say world peace. The same person who killed millions for a bit of land says that he would achieve world peace! So unfair! Why don’t you say that to the millions you killed, huh?! The chaotic situation that all of them made where war was the norm and nations themselves fight each other for superiority without a hint of appreciation for each other and no realization of their responsibility to save the Earth, not rule it. People who actually tried to achieve world peace were either forgotten or ignored. After all, there are not many people that I have heard for how they prevented ch...

World peace: The goal with utmost importance

  ‘World peace.’ Don’t you hear this phrase in every government official’s or a famous person’s speech? I’m pretty sure you do. World peace is the peace and cooperation between everyone, be it people or even nations. But, since ancient times there’s been a selfish feeling in man’s soul violating that peace, in fact when Romulus and Remus made Rome long ago, Romulus killed Remus, the brother he loved, for the throne without any hesitation. And then, they say world peace. The same person who killed millions for a bit of land says that he would achieve world peace! So unfair! Why don’t you say that to the millions you killed, huh?! People who actually tried to achieve world peace were either forgotten or ignored. After all, there are not many people that I have heard for how they prevented chaos. True heroes were people like Vasily Arkhipov, Stanislav Petrov (prevented World War 3) and Sardar Valab Bhai Patel who united people and I for one am sure that you don’t know about at least o...

The Peculiar Alien Ship

 By Atharv Kasera- A fiction story I am Logan. Today, I will tell you about a strange tale that happened to me. One normal day, I and my friends were studying mathematics, grumbling as it was a substitution of sports. Once a week, we used to enjoy the school academy, but it was taken away too. I’m sure that you sympathize with me. Anyway, we were studying. Suddenly the school went into commotion, the moment the Aliens landed. Yes. Actual aliens. No, I’m not lying. Aliens descended on earth. I was as surprised as you, when a large techno spaceship landed, and all of us were either excited, dumbfounded or screaming. Our school’s crazy student screamed to all of us “See! I was right, that aliens existed!” and all we could do was nod. Suddenly, I don’t know what happened to me, I ran as fast as I could towards the Spaceship. I entered it by mistake falling flat on my face, as I admit that I was clumsy. I saw that the aliens were as surprised to be landing on this strange planet as we w...

Double celebration 🎊🥳

Yesterday was one of the most memorable nights in my life. Yes, it was memorable for me because I celebrated not only the birthday of one of my favourite cousin brother Lakshya (Bhaiya) but also the finale of World Cup T20I Cricket. It enthralled me as I am a proud Indian and a huge fan of cricket.  This match was extremely crucial for India to win, as India had not won the world cup since 13 years.  This was a fine Saturday evening and we all were chilling at the Birthday party while watching the match at the luxurious restaurant called "Tama". It was a family get together and we ordered the food after a lot of discussion. While e njoying the scrumptious cuisines and dishes I watched the match with complete attention and was thrilled. I relished the food and the match along with my fami ly  . The opponent in t his match was South Africa. The match was a complete roller coaster ride where the odds were getting certain and uncertain for both the teams.  ...

The City of Temples: Kathmandu

  This summer, I went to Kathmandu, Nepal and it was a very delightful trip.   Actually,  my maternal grandparents migrated to the place when my mom and her siblings were very young.  My grandparents still live there and I went to visit them.   My mom's siblings were also coming and I met my cousin sister and my two year old brother for the first time. It was extremely entertaining and enjoyable as my brother's funny actions made me laugh till my tummy hurt badly. Kathmandu is a valley between the mountains of Nepal. Kathmandu is also the only Hindu country in the world.  I went to a lot of temples and shops as Nepal is known to be called The City of Temples.  The most memorable temple was a temple high in the mountains.  We reached the holy place using a car and then a cable car which was an extremely steep and scary 10 minutes ride.  The name of this mandir was Manokamana temple made in the honour of Goddess Durga. We also went to the famou...

5 Books I Recommend to Avid Readers

“We lose ourselves in books, but we find ourselves in books also.” Books truly are the best teachers or friends one can wish for. They help you attain peace and wisdom. I personally can spend the whole day reading and won't even falter. Here are some enthralling reads f or all the bibliophiles out there: 1.Percy Jackson Percy Jackson is a fantasy genre book written by Rick Riordan. It is centred around a teenage boy Percy Jackson who is , with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) and dyslexia who comes to know that he is the son of a very strong ancient Greek god . He goes to a camp called Camp Half-Blood and discovers that he is a demigod ( half human–half god ).    After facing series of harrowing trials he achieves victory and peace. This book is a thrilling and funny read. It is also the best book I have read. 2.Harry Potter Harry Potter is a well known book on an orphan boy (Harry Potter) who learns that he is a wizard and has an archenemy who has been huntin...